Adriana Bunea

Professor of Political Science
University of Bergen, Norway

About me

I am a Professor in the Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen, Norway. My research expertise is in the field of comparative politics with a focus on European Union governance, politics, and policymaking, lobbying and interest groups research and stakeholder participation and engagement in executive policymaking. My published research examines key aspects of stakeholder (citizens and interest organizations) participation in the design and formulation of public policies such as:  the design and reform of public consultation regimes, the use of stakeholder consultations as reputation building strategies by the European Commission, the legitimacy and political consequences of Better Regulation reforms, the regulation of lobbying and interest groups in the European Union, the patterns of  interest groups participation and levels of influence in bureaucratic policymaking.

ERC Starting Grant

In 2018 I was awarded a 5 years European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant entitled “CONSULTATIONEFFECTS – Effects of stakeholder consultation on inputs, processes and outcomes of executive policymaking.” The project investigates stakeholder consultations as institutions of political participation and representation, and systematically studies their effects on policy inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes of executive policymaking in the EU Member States and the EU polity. 

Before joining Bergen, I was Lecturer in politics at the University of Southampton (UK), Marie Curie Research Fellow at University College London (2014-16), Max Weber Fellow at the EUI (2013-14) and Fulbright-Schuman  Fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2012-13). During the fall of 2022 I was a Fernand Braudel fellow at the EUI.

I am a graduate of Trinity College Dublin (PhD 2012), Central European University (MA 2007) and University of Bucharest (BA 2006). 

I currently serve on the editorial boards of the European Journal of Political Research and Journal of European Public Policy. During 2021-2024 I served in the editorial board of the Journal of Politics

University of Bergen
European Research Council Grant